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Direct [Test Build] Linux Lite 6.0 RC1 April 24, 2022


The Power Is Yours!!!
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Linux Lite V6.0 RC1 - A gateway operating system


Linux Lite 6.0 RC1 is now available for testing. The theme of this series is inclusion and freshness. The newest browser, the newest office suite, the newest custom software. It has always been my goal to provide a lean, fully functioning operating system. In series 6 this will be our ongoing focus. New to this release are assistive technologies, in the form of a screen reader, a desktop magnifier and a virtual keyboard. All tools that ensures our hearing and sight impaired community is no longer forgotten. A new theme, a new system monitor and manager round out the main new features. Linux Lite 6.0 final, code name 'Fluorite', will be released on 1st June, 2022.

Release Announcement:

Linux Lite is a 'gateway operating system'. Your first simple, fast and free stop in the world of Linux. Our ongoing mission is to make the transition from Windows to Linux Lite, as smooth as possible.

Linux Lite is a free operating system based on the Ubuntu LTS (Long term Support) series of releases. Just 2 clicks to update your system. An update system that will save you hours versus Windows updates. Set update notifications to appear automatically. Keep your computer up to date and safe. Get friendly Support when you need it.

An intelligent, intuitive approach to design. A familiar, Windows like Desktop with a free, Microsoft Office compatible Office Suite. Choose from 1000's of free, easy to use applications. Never pay for software again.

Easy to Use Free Linux Operating System

Linux Lite is free for everyone to use and share, and suitable for people who are new to Linux and for people who want a lightweight environment that is also fully functional.

This release includes updates to the Help Manual - our extensive, easy to follow Linux Lite guide, you can now install Linux Lite directly from Lite Welcome, an updated Papirus icon theme, 2 new features added to Lite Tweaks, the introduction of the 'Pay what You Want' digital download model, new wallpapers and a host of bug fixes and enhancements for our target audience. If you're coming from Windows, you'll find this to be a solid, stable release that will help make your transition to a linux based operating system, user friendly.

At home - Browse the web, send email, upload to the cloud. Socialize on Facebook and Twitter.
At work - Linux Lite is currently deployed in businesses and Universities around the world.
In the Office - Enjoy our free, fully featured Microsoft Office compatible Office Suite with Linux Lite.
Play time - Linux Lite's low memory requirements, make it ideal as a gaming platform.

Linux Lite is fully functional out of the box, this means that you won't have to install extra software when you boot your computer for the first time. We believe that a computer should be ready to use straight away on the first boot after a new install.
  • Support
    Get help when you need it. Join our large Forum community for timely support, and look through our comprehensive, built in Help Manual.
  • Security
    With a built in highly configurable Firewall, and Security update notifications on the Desktop, your computer Security is taken seriously.
  • Desktop
    The desktop is clean and familiar. With easy access to the Menu and system settings, navigating around your Desktop is simple and intuitive.
  • Office
    Linux Lite includes LibreOffice. LibreOffice is Microsoft Office compatible, that means you can open and use all of your existing Microsoft Office files.
  • Photos
    Whether you're viewing or editing your favorite images, Linux Lite gives you the tools you need to turn your images into something special.
  • Internet
    Browse the internet with Firefox, check your email with Thunderbird and upload to the cloud with Dropbox for convenient backups.
  • Multimedia
    We bundle the popular VLC Media Player which takes care of a vast number of codecs so you don't have to go searching for them.
  • Tools
    Our in-house built applications such as Lite Tweaks and Lite Software, will equip you with all the tools you need to maintain and enhance your system.










steve ross

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Member for 7 years
I run Linux as my daily driver, will test in VM and let you know, thanks

please fix this if I did it wrong.


The Power Is Yours!!!
Power User
✅ Verified Member
62.3 GB
11.3 TB
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89 (104)
Member for 4 years
I run Linux as my daily driver, will test in VM and let you know, thanks

please fix this if I did it wrong.
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