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FAQ: How to Report Problems and Get Help


🤴 Super Admin
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Member for 5 years
People frequently ask for help in the wrong place.
It's not good for you, it's not good for the site, and it gives staff unnecessary work.

Please read this before requesting help.

You are experiencing bad language, worrying behaviour or offensive behaviour.Use Contact Us to create an "Account Issues" ticket.
Give us the username of the badly behaving member.
You see bad language or offensive behaviour in the forums.Click the "Report" button on the offending comment.Do not use Contact Us.
You see bad language or offensive behaviour in chat.Get a screen capture of the bad behaviour.
Use Contact Us to create an "Account Issues" ticket.
Give us the username of the badly behaving member and a link to your screen capture.
You need help with an app or OS that you downloaded from TeamOS.Ask on the thread where you got the app or OS.Do not use Contact Us or the Help & Request forum.
You need help with an app NOT downloaded from TeamOS.Ask in the Help and Request Center. Prefix your request with PROBLEM.
You must read this before posting.
You are looking for an app.Ask in the Help and Request Center. Prefix your request with REQUEST.
You must read this before posting.
Do not use Contact Us.
You want help with a hit & run warning.Read Guidance For Users With Ratio or Hit and Run Warnings
Do not ask us to clear your hit and runs for you. We won't.
You want help with a ratio warning.Read Guidance For Users With Ratio or Hit and Run Warnings
Read .
Do not ask us to fix your ratio for you. We won't.
You do not have a ratio warning but you still want to improve your ratio.Read .Do not use Contact Us because we will just refer you to .
You want to change your email address.Use the Email Change Form.
Not all email domains are allowed. You can see a list of allowed domains at the top of the email change page.
You want to change your account password.Do it from your profile page
You have forgotten your account password or are having problems with two step verification.Use Contact Us to create an "Account Issues" ticket.
Give us the username of your account and the email address that you used to create the account.
You think that your upload or download statistics are wrong.Read Do not ask us to "correct" your upload or download figures. We won't.
You are bannedIf we have let you keep an account then use it to read the Site Introduction and Rules.
Make sure that you follow all the rules from now on.
If you have made new accounts to get around warnings or bans then do not complain. It will do you no good.
Saying "Sorry" won't make it right.
You want to use a VPN or proxy.Read our Explanation of the No VPN rule.Do not ask us to change the rules. We won't.
All the download links on a page are broken.Report the broken link to the uploader on the upload page.
You must tag the thread author so that they get an alert.
Tag means include "@" before the user name.
You could say something like this:
"@Charlie_Grimes The download link is broken. Please fix it if you can. Thank you."​
Do not use Contact Us.
There are no seeders for a torrent download.Leave your torrent client running for a few days and be patient.
If you still don't get the download then you can ask for a re-seed on the upload thread or in the Help & Request forum.
Do not use Contact Us.
You think that another member has more than one account.Use Contact Us to create an "Account Issues" ticket.
Give us the usernames of the suspected multiple accounts.
Virustotal shows you many malware detections.Read these guides
Then make up your own mind what to do.
If you are still worried about an app or an OS then don't use it.

Do not report a virus if you cannot provide convincing evidence that there is one.
You think that your download contains a virus.Read these guides
If you still think that you have real malware then report it on the thread where you got the app or OS. Tag the uploader with "@" so that they get an alert.
Give as much detail as you can. Just saying "Contains a virus" is not enough.
Do not rant about having a virus; always be calm.
Do not report a virus if you cannot provide convincing evidence that you got it from a TeamOS download.
Your download speed is slow.Your computer settings might be to blame so you may find some help in .Do not complain to TeamOS.
Torrent speeds depend a lot on the speeds of the seeders and there is nothing TeamOS can do to improve them.
You want a hacking app or help with hacking.Go to another site.Do not ask for or discuss hacking on TeamOS.
You have ransomewareRe-install your OS then recover your files from a backup.
If you can't do that then accept that you almost certainly have lost your files.
We have lots of threads about ransomeware. If you want more information then start with and this one.
Do not use Contact Us. We can't help.
I am seeding from my seebox but the seeding is not being shown here.This is probably due to data de-duplication. Read this explanation by Cyler.Do not use Contact Us. We can't help.
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Power User
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Member for 3 years
appreciate the effort you put into your work.


The Power Is Yours!!!
Power User
✅ Verified Member
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Member for 4 years
Woah, what happened all of a sudden? All okay?
Though, I hope they do understand the topic for what it is. 😇


🤴 Super Admin
300.6 GB
2.9 TB
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24 (26)
Member for 5 years
Woah, what happened all of a sudden? All okay?
Though, I hope they do understand the topic for what it is. 😇
People frequently ask for help in the wrong place.
I'm trying to reduce that.
It's not good for them, it's not good for the site and it gives staff unnecessary work.